• Sea Shepherd Captain Paul Watson on the fight to save fish, whales, oceans and humans Captain Paul Watson (@CaptPaulWatson) founder of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (@SeaShepherdSSCS) on the Sea Shepherd's journey from outlaws to law enforcement and his battles to save the fish, the whales and the oceans. “To be a real conservationist, you have to look ahead a million years.” Skaana podcasts connect you to news and experts and their discussions about  orcas, oceans and the environment. You can use the affiliate links below to support the pod. Join the Pod……https://www.patreon.com/mobydoll Skaana Tip Jar... https://paypal.me/skaana   Skaana home…..skaana.org Skaana on iTunes... Skaana.ca Rayne Ellycrys Benu
    January 8, 2019