• Whale Scout’s Whitney Neugebauer on Whale Wars in Washington State Whitney Neugebauer host of the Whale Scout podcast (@whalescout) on Whale Scout, whale worries and how much of the 1.1 billion dollars Jay Inslee just asked for to save the whales is actually being spent on saving whales. For more on Whale Scout & Whitney Neugebauer visit https://www.whalescout.org Skaana podcasts connect you to news and experts and their thoughts on orcas, oceans and the environment. You can use the affiliate links below to support the pod. Join the Pod……https://www.patreon.com/mobydoll Skaana home…..skaana.org Facebook………..https://www.facebook.com/skaanapod/ Twitter……………https://twitter.com/leirenyoung The Killer Whale Who Changed the World…. http://amzn.to/2pRNU1q  Rayne Ellycrys Benu
    December 20, 2018